
Garden weed control

Weeds are part of gardening whether we like it or not.  I can help you to keep these pests under control.

Weeds compete with the plants you want in your garden for nutrients, light and water. This is why it is important to keep them in check.

Not all weeds are bad – some attract pollinators and some can improve the soil. Also most weeds can be composted, which in turn will add nutrients to your soil.

It is important to understand the different weeds in your garden and how and when is best to treat them.  It helps to know if you are dealing with an annual, perennial or biennial weed.  Annuals can often be controlled by cutting them to the ground before they seed, while perennials and some biennials treated in this manner will simply grow back from the roots. 

I will ensure that your weeds are treated with the right tools at the right time to ensure your garden receives maximum benefit.

  • Weed Control

  • Drive way weed control

  • Lawn weed control

  • Organic weed control

  • Beds and boarders

  • Paths and steps weed control

Get in touch today

No matter what time of year your garden will benefit from effective and sustainable weed control.

Contact me