Creating your own hanging baskets

April 04, 2023 | by Peats Garden

The addition of a hanging basket or two unlocks many perks for outdoor spaces of all shapes, sizes and styles. These small yet perfectly formed displays provide all you need to spruce up the smallest gardens as well as add interest vertically to walls and fences. Hanging baskets are also generally easier to maintain, with fewer pests and soil issues guaranteeing healthier, more dramatic displays.

Spring is actually the perfect time to create your own amazing hanging baskets. Here are a few tips to get you started…

Select your basket style

There is a wide range of hanging basket styles to choose from, including the traditional top planting version and baskets that can be planted at the sides. Each style offers its own pros and cons so do your research to discover the right basket for your requirements.

You should also think carefully about the size of your basket. While smaller hanging baskets are cute, larger hanging baskets are simpler to maintain as they dry out less frequently. If you are already the proud owner of hanging baskets, but they’re looking a little past their prime, try repairing and painting them to ensure a new lease of life.

Prepare for planting

Whether buying new or up cycling, your hanging basket will need some preparation before planting can begin. Adequate drainage is vital to the success of your baskets. If you’re using a plastic liner, pierce it to create drainage holes.

If your hanging baskets have previously been prone to drying out, adding a makeshift water reservoir into your design could help solve this very common problem. Simply place a plastic saucer at the bottom of your hanging basket to catch and retain water.

Be picky about compost

Not all compost is meant for hanging basket planting. You’ll need a compost that retains moisture as well as aids drainage. You don’t have to spend a fortune however. Choose a good quality, loam-based, multi-purpose compost and mix in perlite to boost its moisture content. Adding slow release fertiliser before your compost can also give hanging basket plants an extra boost.

Add those beautiful blooms

Now comes the fun part! There are tons of options when selecting the plant varieties that will take pride of place in your basket. Whatever your choice, arrange them according to their size for a beautiful looking display. The tallest plants should be positioned off centre, while trailing plants can be placed around the edge to ensure a cascading display.