The importance of jet washing your patio

May 11, 2023 | by Peats Garden

With summer just around the corner, it’s likely that you have 101 things on your garden to-do list to turn your outdoor space into the entertaining place it should be during the warmer months. One outdoor task that is a must before summer sets in is jet washing, with your patio a prime candidate for a water-powered makeover.

In this blog post, we share the reasons why you should jet wash your patio to prepare it for the season ahead.

It’ll enhance the look of your patio

For a pristine finish that’ll leave your patio ready for use and (almost) as good as new, jet washing is the solution you’ve been searching for. In fact, it’s incredible what a difference high pressure water and a spot of detergent makes when applied to hard surfaces like those found on patios and decks.

A regular or even annual jet wash is a great and affordable way to breathe new life into overused areas of your garden, and ensures a stunning space that can be utilised for entertaining, dining and much, much more.

It’s an improvement buyers will love

An annually jet washed patio is more than just a great improvement in the short term. The future value of your home may also be positively influenced by a well-maintained patio, which means there are plenty of rewards to reap in the long term too.

It’ll make surfaces super safe

Without regular jet washing, patios can become particularly slippery. Dirt and algae build up over time, which can put anyone who uses it (especially young children and older adults) at risk of slips, trips and falls. Put safety first by jet washing your patio.

It’s great for the planet too

When compared with using a garden hose, a jet washer uses far less water – 75% less to be exact! A fact that makes this garden maintenance must great for the planet as well as your patio.

It’ll keep unwanted critters at bay

Pest control and prevention are essential at this time of year. Come the warmer months, the influx of garden pests can become unmanageable without the right care. By keeping patio areas, clean and clear of dirt, leaves and other debris, you can make your garden less attractive to both tiny critters and larger wild animals.

It’s quick and easy

It takes no time at all to enjoy a beautifully, pressure washed patio. Jet washing does however require high quality equipment, which makes hiring a professional a great choice.